Our first items that we would call a collection dropped late 2022 summer. Select of minimal design items in, we called them A because of way of branding, as well simplicity and fact that it was our first collection.

Anch A collection was made to fit in fun things and surroundings we enjoy while riding. We learned a lot from this collection, it brought a lot of experience to us, new friends and costumers.

zigulis anch

This kind of felt like beginning of things as collection gave us confidence that something good can be created and people actually like what we do, but most important, we like ourselves what we do and have fun doing it.

It’s been a slow start for our brand, as Andžs was still racing and just building brand in spare time. But we are glad its been slow start, that gave us chance to make mistakes in smaller scale and learn gradually and make shure we don’t repeat them in future. Let’s go!