First items we would ever call a drop. GEO items are inspired by land we ride, weather we overcome and people we meet. These fundementals of a ride are included in details of jerseys. This drop has been pretty successful, we are blown away by interest, orders and compliments from you all.

Patterns and details for jerseys are a work of our talented friend Valter Kalsers, we hope to bring as well some exciting stuff in next drop in Spring 2025. The GEO drop gave us confidence to do more bold and extraordinary stuff and let us acknowledge that our costumers enjoy designs like this and support it.

Like days after this drop we were already thinking about next one and getting excited. While building a brand is a lot of work, especially with limited resources of money and time, cool stuff like this and how it resonates with people really makes all the work and headache worth it. Let’ go!